Saturday, November 15, 2008

We made it

After 30+ hours we made it home. Halle did well. She had about a 2 hour nap earlier in the flight and then sleep the last almost 6 hours of the long leg. I stood in the bathroom on the plane to get her to sleep. I felt bad having her scream while others were trying to sleep so we just hung out in the port-a-potty :)

Our flight from Newark to Columbus was cancelled so we had to wait almost 4 hours until the next flight. We got in around midnight. Grandma Sue made scrambled eggs for us. My first real food in 3 days. It sure tasted good. The scrambled eggs there weren't so good in China.

Sami & Paul are at the doctors. Paul for strep and Sami may have pink eye. Jacob is headed to a friends to watch the Buckeyes. I'm hopeful that Halle and I can have a nice long nap. She didn't have a very good first night. We didn't go to bed until after 2:00 and then she didn't want to sleep in the crib. I was so tired I brought her in bed with me twice.

Thanks for all the comments. We enjoyed having a little news from home. Can't wait to see everyone.

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