Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Halle - part 2

I've got to learn to post when I write these and not wait until I have time to upload the pictures. Here is a post I wrote a ways back. Sorry it is so late getting posted. Luckily I've had several work projects that have been keeping me busier than I would like but I'm not complaining about that now! Anyway, enjoy the old news. I'll post new info and pictures next week when I get a minute.

We kept Halle's birthday pretty low key this year. For one thing she really doesn't understand it. On top of that we had a major snow/ice storm so the schools were closed on her birthday and the next day. And the final blow was that Paul broke is toe the day before. We had planned on taking her to Chuckie Cheese for the first time. Instead we got take out Chinese food. That way we took care of the Chinese New Year too :) We blew up a few balloons that she enjoyed playing with. We also had a cake with 2 candles. She seemed to understand about blowing out the candles and she was able to with a little help from Mommy & Sami.

With all the snow we received everyone has had fun times playing in it. Keisha still loves it the most though. Kitty even likes to go out and play. Halle is outside now playing with Grandma. It's a nice sunny day here, although it is still chilly. She doesn't seem to mind the cold too much. I'm sure it corresponds to her high tolerance of pain - unless she is really uncomfortable she just goes with the flow. Grandma and I took Halle to the park yesterday. Halle really enjoys the swings. She likes to put her head back and look up at the sky. She also enjoys trying to get/kick me when she swings up. She will get a great big belly laugh when I act like she pushed me. I guess that sick Atkinson humor has already rubbed off on her.

Halle had her 2 year check up on Friday. The doctor said she is doing remarkably well. She is in the 69% percentile for height and 71% for weight. She's a big girl. Just ask my back muscles! The doctor wanted to give her 8 shots. I thought that was a little much. We decided on 4 shots that day and 3 shots next month. She did really well. I think the nurse did a great job. I thought she had just done one when she said she had already done all of them. Similar to the big kids, I had to fight back my own tears. It is such a helpless feeling. Halle did great and only cried for a minute. After that we ran errands. She fell asleep after the bank and slept through getting in and out of her car seat at 3 other stops.

The doctor asked how her language was progressing. I guessed that she was saying 30-40 words. He thought that was great and said that 2 1/2 years old most kids will say that many with the parents understanding 50% of them. For kicks Grandma & I started a list of her words to see how many she actually had. We are past 40 now. Yes, I'm going to list them all to have a permanent record!

We went to the gym at the community center again this morning. She really seemed to have fun. She seems to be doing a little better about not hoarding all the toys. There are only a few other kids around so it is a good chance to get just a little interaction but not overwhelming or intense.

Jacob had another volleyball tournament in Dayton on Sunday that I took him to. We had to leave at 5:50am. Way too early in my book! While Jacob isn't too thrilled with it all he seemed to have fun and his skills are really improving.

Sami is working hard conditioning for soccer. She is going to the Y almost every day after school lifting weights. She also has conditioning with her club team 2 days a week and usually an indoor game once a week too. She is taking the ACT for the first time this weekend so she is going to review sessions at school. Hopefully she can earn some scholarship money through her academics and sports considering her 401b plan lost about a third of its value last check and I'm sure it is even more now!