Sunday, October 26, 2008

Introducing Halle Mae Chuan

Halle is 20 months old. Her birthday is 1/28/07, same as Grampa Ken!

Halle's Chinese name is Fu Chuan Zhi. Fu is actually her last name. All the children in her orphanage share this name. Chuan means "river" and Zhi means "place". She was placed in foster care shortly after she arrived at the orphanage. Our agency thinks she returned to the orphanage when she received her physical in August. She is in the Fuzhou City Social Welfare Institute, Jiangxi Province.

At her last physical (8/11) she weighed 23 pounds and was 32" tall. She has 16 teeth. Her primary foods are milk-based formula, rice and rice porridge. She can also eat egg, noodles, sweet potato noodles, meat soup, candy, snacks - all types of food. She especially likes to eat suan nai (a type of yogurt) and watermelon.

She can walk on her own with ease and can also scamper. She can go up and down the stairs when using the banister for support and can imitate the movement of adults. She can make the gestures for welcome, goodbye, congratulations, etc. In regards to language, she can now say phrases of one or two characters like "ba ba (dad), "ma ma" (mom), "nai nai" (grandma), and "bao bao" (hold). She can imitate the speech of adults and when she sees adults returning she takes the initiative to call to them. She likes to take the phone and make calls. She likes to go play in areas where there are a lot of people; she loves bustling places and likes to play outside. She also likes riding in cars. She plays with other children making games. She has a fairly open personality and is lively and active, however, she is shy with strangers and is a little timid. When in a familiar environment, she loves to talk and smile. She also likes to listen to music and watch TV. She is exuberantly energetic. She likes bathing and playing with toys. She has a fairly stubborn personality and is impatient and headstrong, wanting adults to follow along with her in order for everything to be okay. She is closest to the nanny and her family. She best likes to play in water and she loves to eat snacks.


Liz said...


Heather said...

We are so happy for all of you! Halle is one blessed little girl. We admire you for opening your arms and hearts. Can't wait to meet her. :)

The McClaskie Family

Heather said...

How blessed are all of us to be a part of this incredible journey and what a precious bundle you are going to meet and bring back to Ohio. I look forward to meeting Halle and watching her grow up in you loving, giving home.

Thank you for sharing. Have fun, take lots of pictures and be safe.

God Bless,

Gayle Nash

The Peters said...

WOW! How exciting. Thanks for inviting us along for the ride. Can't wait to be a part of the journey. God bless, enjoy, and return safe...can't wait for the first visit to FLA!
Headstrong? HMMM...sounds like Pops already :}

All our love...Tommy, Molly and the boys

Research-China.Org said...

Just found your blog with your adorable daughter. Wanted to let you know that we have a lot of foster family contacts in your daughter's orphanage, and probably have her foster mother's name and address, etc.

Drop by if you are interested in such information.

